We are dedicated to providing accurate and trustworthy information to our readers. Our robust fact-checking process upholds the integrity and credibility of our content, adhering to the highest standards of journalism. Any inaccuracies are corrected promptly to maintain trust with our audience.
- Verification Process
Our editorial team follows a rigorous verification process before publishing. This includes cross-referencing data from multiple reliable sources, conducting interviews, and evaluating the credibility of all sources used. - Primary Sources
We prioritize primary sources such as direct quotes, official statements, and verified data. In cases where primary sources are unavailable, we clearly explain the basis of the information and the steps taken to verify it. - Corrections and Updates
If any errors are identified after publication, we promptly issue corrections. These corrections are displayed prominently, clearly indicating the nature of the error and the updated information. - Transparency
We maintain transparency in our fact-checking process. Readers are encouraged to contact us with any questions about our sources or the accuracy of our content. We value feedback and actively work to address any concerns raised by our audience. - Non-partisanship
Our fact-checking process is impartial and free of political bias. We present verified information objectively, upholding the principles of journalistic integrity. - Fact-Checking Requests
We welcome fact-checking requests from our readers. If you believe there is an error in our content, please provide detailed information, including sources and context. Our editorial team will investigate and make necessary corrections as quickly as possible. - Editorial Independence
Our fact-checking process operates independently of any external influences, including advertisers and sponsors. This ensures that our content remains accurate, fair, and unbiased. - Continuous Improvement
We are committed to enhancing our fact-checking procedures. Our team participates in ongoing training to stay informed about the latest best practices in journalism and fact-checking.
Contact Us
For any inquiries, feedback, or fact-checking requests, please reach out to us at [email protected].
At Philtranco News, we strive to deliver reliable news on transport, education, and government schemes. Our fact-checking policy underscores our dedication to transparent and responsible journalism.